Monday, April 20, 2015

Lush Garden Spaces

It's spring!! I am so excited! I love getting out in the yard and making it better, prettier, more functional and enjoyable. We've already tackled step one of the back deck remodel and torn down the fence that was falling (pics on those projects in a later post)  and now I'm looking for inspiration to make the yard feel lush. 
Here are some of the photos that I think are inspiring.

 I'm loving the trained lattice of this, could be great along an ugly fence line.

The idea of a  living fence is appealing, if only I had years to wait for it to grow...
 though I do love the spaced trees and planting strip. 

 The transitions here are beautiful. I'm feeling like I need more 
shady spots to make soothing like this in our yard.

Beautiful pathway, I wish I had the room to do something like this.

 I really like the crushed gravel pathways, so much more organic than cement
 and won't breakdown over time like wood chips. I think this is perfect for our side yard!
Do you like to spruce up the garden in spring? Where do you find your inspiration?

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