I found her book Hush Hush a couple of years ago and waited (not so) patiently for each subsequent book to come out. I love this series! First I love that it even is a series. I enjoy the story love the characters and her writing style so I appreciate that there are more books to enjoy. And second, the covers are beautiful. I think they really suit the stories and characters. I like that because, as one who does pick books by their cover (though there have been exceptions) a pretty/amazing cover makes it easier to pick up. :)
Her Hush Hush series is: Hush Hush, Crescendo, Scilence, and in Fall 2012, the fourth book comes out: Finale
You can learn more about Becca here: http://beccafitzpatrick.com/
You can purchase her books for yourself here: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/becca-fitzpatrick?keyword=becca+fitzpatrick&store=allproducts